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Welcome to the Soap Bubble

Hello - I'm Sue and my business partner is Gary my husband, and together we created the Soap Bubble.  This photo was taken at a pivotal moment for us as we had just decided to start our own soap making business.  How hard could it be we said!!


Well its two years down the road and finally in 2022 we were ready to launch the Soap Bubble and here we are.  We can honestly say that its been hard work but a whole lot of fun.  


I love anything craft related and have a passion for painting and resin artwork, but as I got older and my skin started to change, I became more aware of what ingredients went into mass produced and commercially produced cosmetics; and the more I learnt the more I became interested in producing my own soap and skincare products using natural and sustainable ingredients.  So, my painting and resin work went on the back-burner and the adventure into soap making began.  Together we learnt about soap formulas, testing, legislation, website development, selling, insurance, social media, packaging, and sourcing ingredients! The list goes on and on but at last we launched, which felt great.


We now have a range of products that will only continue to grow, as does our passion for creating a business that helps to protect our planet rather than plundering it for its resources. Our philosophy is to source ingredients responsibly and use eco-friendly packaging that is either home compostable or recyclable.


One exciting venture we have added to our journey is to collaborate with 'Violets House of Wax'.  This is an artisan soy wax making company developed and run by our daughter Kay. She is incredibly creative and makes wonderful wax melts and candles using environmentally friendly soy wax.  


We hope you enjoy using our products and love to hear feedback, good or bad, as this will only help us learn and adapt as we grow. 

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